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For corporate teams, committees and boards of 5-50, I offer group workshops. 

Understand, apply, and leverage team dynamics to build happy, efficient, and productive teams.


We start with a ​1:1 Discovery Session for Managers: Uncover your strengths as a leader and empower your team.  Leaders start first.  


I also offer ongoing post-workshop coaching to continue your journey and find more ways to continuously use your strengths.

1. CliftonStrengths Team Workshop



Your greatest potential for success comes from discovering and building on your natural talents. By focusing on your strengths, you will bring your personal best to work each and every day.

During this workshop you will have a chance to explore how you can use your unique talents to work with others and promote your individual development.  Focusing on strengths will not only help team members appreciate each other and enhance partnerships, but also help reach their performance goals and perform more efficiently.  CliftonStrengths assessment and strengths-based principles will give your team a common language to talk about how each person contributes to team success and how you can better collaborate and perform effectively.  


Prior to the workshop, each participant will complete the online CliftonStrengths Assessment. The report will uncover their unique combination of 34 themes based on decades of research led by Don Clifton and his quest to answer the question, "What would happen if we studied what is right with people instead of focusing on what is wrong with them?"  


Through this journey, you may feel like you are seeing yourself for the first time, I know, because that was true for me. As we start uncovering your natural talents and the talents of your teammates, you will enhance your ability to build on the best of you who are, individually and collectively. This is the foundation for deeper discovery to help the team grow and perform.  


Workshop takeaways:


  • Develop greater self-awareness and team alignment

  • Understand the interplay of your top strengths 

  • Appreciate for the unique talents of others

  • Understand the things that prevent you from success

  • Manage your blind spots

  • Build strong partnerships

  • Improve team performance

  • Increase engagement

  • Build trust and address challenges

  • Create a healthy and strong team

Contact Me

Reach out to learn more or schedule a FREE 30-minute discovery call.

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